Front-end Developer
I value clean, commented code and snappy, minimalist designs.
Languages, frameworks & libraries:
React, React Native, Redux, Web3.js, JavaScript, Typescript, HTML, CSS
- Android Studio
- Bootstrap
- Expo
- Figma
- Photoshop
- Sass/LESS
- Tailwind
Back-end Developer
I build custom databases & smart contracts from scratch to production.
Languages, frameworks & libraries:
Node, Express, Apollo, GraphQL, Solidity, Clarity, Python, JS, SQL
- Ganache
- Heroku
- Okta
- PGAdmin
- Remix
- Truffle
Remote Experienced
I've led & collaborated with remote software teams for years.
Experiences I draw from:
Freelance projects, DAO workstreams & distributed software teams
- Airtable
- CodeSandbox
- GitHub
- Google Workspace
- Notion
- Slack
- Trello/Asana